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Progressing to full registration is a significant milestone in a teacher’s professional growth from the graduate to proficient career stage of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Teacher Standards). Educators with full registration are established as reflective, experienced, collegial members of the teaching profession. 

The process is designed to enhance professional practice and benefit the learning, engagement, and wellbeing of Tasmanian students. 

The Teachers Registration Act 2000 anticipates that all Tasmanian teachers will progress to full registration. Teachers should meet the requirements within five years of achieving provisional registration. 

When am I eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply, you must:

  • hold provisional teacher registration
  • have taught in an Australian or New Zealand school jurisdiction for at least one school year since gaining provisional registration (or the part-time equivalent of 185 days)*
  • have completed the appropriate teaching service within the last five years
  • be registered under the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013.

*If you are an experienced teacher with eight years of teaching experience or more, you may be eligible for the Experienced Teacher Pathway to progress to full registration.

What does the process involve?

Moving to full registration is a continuum of professional growth for a teacher as they transition from the graduate career stage of the Teacher Standards to the proficient stage.

The process teachers undertake to gather a portfolio of evidence against the proficient career stage descriptors aims to support critical inquiry into the professional knowledge, practice, and they have engagement developed and the resulting positive impact on student outcomes.

The process of progressing to full registration is not undertaken alone. Provisionally registered teachers undertaking the process are supported by their principal (or TasTAFE manager), a practice-focused mentor, and other fully registered teaching colleagues. Individuals and schools may also seek independent support with aspects of the process, via the Progressing to Full Registration Support Team


Prov to full applicant process

Stage 1 - Seek support from your principal

It is an expectation of the Board that provisionally registered teachers will meet the criteria for moving to full registration in their first five-year cycle of provisional registration. As soon as you begin teaching, you should get to know the 37 proficient stage descriptors of the Teacher Standards. Once you are ready to formally commence the process, initiate a discussion with your principal (schools/colleges) or manager/supervisor (TasTAFE) to seek their support and determine if your workplace can commit to supporting you throughout the process. This person must currently hold full registration with the Board.

Once you have confirmed your principal’s support, please submit an Expression of Interest to the Board. This ensures we can support you by providing you with the most current information about the process and advising you of ways to access important information sessions.

You are also required to maintain professional conduct in accordance with the Code of Professional Ethics for Tasmanian Teachers and the Professional Boundaries: Guidelines for Tasmanian Teachers. If you are not familiar with these, now is a perfect time.

Your principal will appoint a workplace assessment panel to support you in the process. Your principal should also support you by providing time and opportunity for professional discussions, targeted professional learning, and classroom observations.

The workplace assessment panel appointed by your principal includes a practice-focused mentor, who will be a key support for you.

Your mentor will help you grow your teaching knowledge, practice, and engagement, as you prepare for full registration. They will assist you in gathering and reflecting on direct evidence from your classroom, and from the reflection of others on your work. They will support you to plan to collect direct evidence of your positive impact on student learning, wellbeing, safety, and engagement in learning.

Stage 2 - Collect artefacts and reflect on your practice

At the heart of the progressing to full registration process is the opportunity to reflect on your growing positive influence on the academic, engagement, and wellbeing outcomes of your students and critically engage with evidence of your practice. During this stage, you will actively gather and reflect on evidence of your day-to-day practice, professional engagement, and classroom observations against the proficient career stage of the Teachers Standards.

As you gather and reflect on evidence of your practice, your mentor will support you to identify areas of strength and opportunity. The Board also runs regular information sessions to support you to unpack the process and further develop your skills in evidencing your practice against the Standards. These sessions are also available as an on-demand webinar here.

The goal of this stage is the develop a succinct portfolio of 10 to 14 carefully chosen pieces/sets of annotated evidence that demonstrate that you are working at the proficient career stage. Your practice-focused mentor and principal will help you decide when you are ready to finalise your portfolio along with other documentation and move to the next stage of the process.

You must complete a minimum of 185 days of teaching service before progressing to the next stage. Many teachers find it beneficial to complete far more than the minimum number of teaching days before finalising their portfolio.

Many teachers who undertake the process to progress to full registration find it useful to collect many different artifacts from their everyday practice, marking each with the relevant standard descriptors. We recommend making brief notes as you go, on the purpose of the activity/learning product/artifact and its impact on student learning, engagement, and well-being.

Store your artifacts in hardcopy or digitally in a single folder, so you can work with your mentor later to curate the critical pieces that best evidence your practice.

Once selected, annotate each artifact (or set of artefacts) to concisely link it to the relevant proficient career stage Standard descriptor/s which you believe it directly evidences. The Applicant Handbook and resources provide a wealth of information on how to best select and annotate evidence for your portfolio.

During this stage of the process your mentor will arrange for three classroom observations. These can be completed by your mentor or another fully registered teacher from your workplace panel. These observations will be documented using a Board template and are included in the evidence portfolio you show to your panel. Each observation is followed by an opportunity to receive verbal feedback.

During this stage, you will also maintain a professional learning journal using the Board provided template. The journal is a record of your reflections on up to four professional learning activities which you regard as significant to the development of your teaching practice. You will include in the evidence you present to your workplace panel.

When preparing to finalise your portfolio, you will need to record each piece/set of evidence included against the relevant standard descriptors. This mapping should be completed using your choice of the Board’s evidence map templates.

Prov to Full Registration – All Stage 2 Resources & Templates.zip

This download includes:

  • Application form – Progressing to Full Registration
  • Classroom Observation Template (PDF and Word versions)
  • Documentary evidence examples – Proficient teachers (AITSL resource in PDF)
  • Evidence Map Template Option A (PDF and Word versions)
  • Evidence Map Template Option B (Word)
  • Professional Learning Journal Template (PDF and Word versions)

For a specific/individual file, please see the Resources section at the bottom of this page.

Stage 3 - Present to a workplace assessment panel

The workplace assessment panel plays an incredibly important role in the process, supporting you throughout the process and then reviewing the evidence you provide against all 37 standard descriptors of the proficient career stage of Teacher Standards. Based on their review of your evidence, the panel will make a collective recommendation for full registration or provide you with feedback about what additional work is required to demonstrate your proficiency.

The principal, practice-focused mentor, and workplace panel are supported by the ‘Principal, Mentor & Panel Handbook’, and a series of accompanying resources available below.

When you are ready to progress to this stage, consult with your principal or their delegate to confirm a date for your panel to convene. You must provide each member of the panel with a copy of your portfolio, including your:

  • annotated evidence against the proficient stage of the Teacher Standards
  • three classroom observations recorded in the Board template
  • professional learning journal completed in the Board template
  • Statement(s) of Service
  • Evidence Map, completed in your choice of one of the Board’s templates.

Please note
It is essential to provide the panel with your portfolio well ahead of time, to allow them to individually review the evidence before they convene.

The panel will document evidence and cite examples of your achievements and development of knowledge and skills in each domain of the Teacher Standards. They will do this by completing Section 2 of the Progressing to Full Registration Application Form.

Based on your evidence, the panel will recommend that you are either granted full registration or continue to be provisionally registered. If the panel recommends the continuation of provisional registration, they will indicate which Standard(s) you must address, and provide any additional feedback.

If your panel’s chairperson was not your principal/manager, the chair will fully brief your principal/manager on the panel’s report and recommendation.

If the panel recommends you for full registration, your principal/manager must complete Section 3 of the application form. This section requires them to provide a declaration and a direct recommendation.

Please note
The Board is not bound by the principal/manager’s recommendation when assessing an application to progress from provisional to full registration. If during the assessment process it appears likely that you may not satisfy the requirements for good character or fitness to be a teacher, you will have the opportunity to appear before the Board.

Stage 4 - Formally apply to the Board

As the applicant for full registration, it is your responsibility to ensure that the Progressing to Full Registration Application Form is completed in full and submitted to the Board.

In the previous stage, your workplace panel and principal will have completed Sections 2 and 3 of the application form. In preparing to submit your application, you must complete Section 1 of the form. This section requires you to provide your details, and evidence of your teaching service, and complete a series of declarations relating to your good character and fitness to teach. It is important to complete and sign the declarations just before you submit your application, as they will lapse from four months of the date of signature.

The original and complete application must be lodged with the Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania. Your complete application must include:

  • the progressing to full registration application form (with all sections completed and signed)
  • a copy of your evidence map
  • an original or certified copy of your Statement(s) of Service
  • evidence that you and at least one member of your workplace panel have completed a Board-approved information session.

Once your application is received, an invoice for the application fee will be generated in your TRB Online account. The invoice must be paid before your application will proceed.

Upon considering your completed application, the Board will make a decision to:

  • grant full registration if satisfied that you meet the criteria for full registration and that you have complied with the requirements of the process and completed these in a satisfactory manner
  • maintain your provisional registration and provide written reasons for this decision if not satisfied that you meet the criteria for full registration and/or if not satisfied that you have complied with the requirements of the process and completed these in a satisfactory manner.

The Board will notify you and your principal of the outcome of your application by email.

Application audits
The Board conducts application audits on a regular basis. You and your principal should keep your portfolio and evidence map for at least 12 months, in case your application is audited. 

If your application is audited, we will request your portfolio of evidence. We will provide details of how to send your portfolio to the Board and any other information required.

Information for principals, mentors, and workplace panels

The principal, practice-focused mentor, and workplace panel are supported by the ‘Principal, Mentor & Panel Handbook’. The Board also runs regular information sessions for principals, mentors, and panels. These information sessions are also available as an on-demand webinar, accessible here.

A series of important checklists and templates are provided below which will support you in undertaking this important role.

Principals can delegate almost all aspects of their role in the progressing to full registration process. However, they must take responsibility for the final determination of the recommendation for full registration and personally complete Section 3 of the application form.

While the applicant has the responsibility of submitting the final application for full registration, the Chair of the workplace panel or the principal must also ensure that a complete copy of the process documentation is retained at the school for 12 months from the date it is formally submitted to the Board. A complete copy of the process documentation must include:

  • the portfolio and evidence map
  • the Statement(s) of Service
  • evidence that the applicant and at least one member of the workplace panel completed the required information session(s)
  • the completed and signed application form.



The Progressing to Full Registration Support Team are independent contractors who are trained to support aspects of the progressing to full registration process for teachers and school leaders in Tasmania. All have served as leaders in the Tasmanian education sector.

Support is available for individuals and schools, and can be tailored to specific needs.

Options include:

  • workshops for applicants, mentor teachers, and school leaders to develop the underlying skills and understandings required to undertake the progressing to full registration process
  • support for provisionally registered teachers to develop a portfolio of evidence, in small groups or individually
  • panel support for school leaders and mentor teachers.

Read more.


The processing time for any application to progress to full registration depends on several factors, including the time required to receive and review the national police history check, which forms part of the character determination.

The Board aims to consider all applications within six weeks of receipt, however, this timeframe may be extended during times of peak workload, for example, after 1 September each year when applications and renewals for registration are open.