
Provisional to Full Registration Model (P2F)

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The Teacher’s Registration Board has launched a new model of Provisional to Full Teacher Registration (P2F). This process is rigorous, but not onerous, through a streamlined process that upholds the APST.

The Inquiry process that has been adopted was identified through consultation with stakeholders in Tasmanian education as well as taking into consideration the models in other jurisdictions across Australia. It is intended that the new process could be undertaken within one term, depending on your context.

To start your P2F Registration journey, you will need to book into one of our P2F Online Information Sessions which are advertised on our website. Once your principal has agreed to support your P2F journey please send through an Expression of Interest (EOI) form.



Yes, Teachers and Mentors are required to attend an Online Information Session before undertaking the P2F process.

You can request your statement of service from your HR department or your Business Manager. DECYP employees can request their statement of service from the Service and Help Centre Portal icon located on their desktop.

For further information, or support please contact the TRB Professional Standards Team:

E: prof.standards@trb.tas.gov.au

P: (03) 6165 5977

W: www.trb.tas.gov.au