Employing Teachers in Tasmania
A person must not be employed or engaged to teach at a Tasmanian school or College unless they are either:
- a teacher registered with the Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania
- the holder of a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) and teaching within the provisions of that LAT
- authorised by the Board to teach under the direct supervision of a registered teacher (Permission to Teach).
To be eligible for teacher registration, a person must meet these requirements:
- appropriate teaching qualifications
- ability to communicate in the English language at a professional level
- good character and fit to teach
- current Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (working with children registration).
- If a person is eligible for teacher registration they cannot be employed under a LAT or PTT.
- Employers should always check the online Tasmanian Register of Teachers at the start of the year and before a teacher commences employment, to ensure that each teacher is registered.
- Making a payment does not mean that a teacher is registered. There are many components to an application for registration, and making a payment is just one of those.
- When an application for registration is approved, the teacher will receive an email confirmation from the Board and their name will appear on the online Tasmanian Register of Teachers.
- Teachers coming from interstate must hold current registration in Tasmania before commencing employment.
- If a LAT holder becomes eligible for registration they must apply for registration immediately and their LAT must be expired by the Board when registration is granted.
- Employers can use the ‘Watched Registration List’ function on TRB Online to monitor the status of registered teachers in their school.
- If an employer becomes aware that a teacher is not registered, the teacher must be immediately removed from the school until their application for registration is approved.
A LAT is a legal mechanism that allows someone who is not a qualified and registered teacher to be employed to teach. In most circumstances, a LAT is a temporary measure required when an employer has not found a suitably skilled and qualified registered teacher for a specific teaching placement. For this reason, a LAT is granted for a maximum of one calendar year.
A LAT is only granted if the Board is satisfied that the nominated person meets all requirements:
- Appropriate skills/experience
- Ineligible for teacher registration
- Good character and fit to teach
- Current Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (working with children registration)
Please note
- LAT holders can only be employed at the school specified on their LAT and for the specific provisions of their LAT
- If a person is eligible for teacher registration they cannot be employed under a LAT or PTT
- Only schools/employers can apply for a LAT
- While the LAT is applied for by the school/employer, it is assigned to the LAT holder
- Approval of LAT applications is not automatic. Employers must provide documentary evidence to support their request
- All documentary evidence to support a LAT application must be submitted to the Board by emailing trb.admin@trb.tas.gov.au
- LAT applications can take up to four to six weeks to process and approve
- Employers should always check their TRB Online account online to ensure a LAT is approved and current
- Making a payment does not mean a LAT is approved. There are many components to a LAT application, and payment is just one of those
- When a LAT application is approved, the nominated person and the employer/school will receive an email confirmation from the Board
- The nominated person cannot teach until the LAT is approved
Schools initiate the application for a Limited Authority to Teach in their TRB Online account, linking it to the potential LAT holder in their TRB Online account.
Non-government schools must email trb.admin@trb.tas.gov.au with details of their recruitment process and the outcome. The email must include:
- the names of all candidates who applied but were found to be unsuitable
- the reason each candidate was found to be unsuitable
- a copy of any advertisements for the position
- a copy of any relevant social media posts.
Schools initiate a LAT application in their TRB Online account, linking it to the prospective LAT holder in their TRB Online account.
Department of Education schools must email trb.admin@trb.tas.gov.au with details of their recruitment process, including:
- the names of all candidates that met the criteria
- the reason each candidate was found to be unsuitable/available.
Department of Education schools must also provide the Board with an email of support for the LAT application from the relevant learning service.
There are some occasions where a person can be legally employed to teach under the direct supervision of a registered teacher. This is known as Permission to Teach (PTT). PTT can occur when these requirements are met:
- The school/employer requires someone with specific expertise to run a short-term, part-time program in conjunction with the regular classroom teacher
- Employment is limited in nature, ad hoc, short-term, and subject-specific
- The expertise cannot otherwise be provided by a registered teacher or LAT holder
Please note
- Persons eligible for teacher registration cannot be employed under PTT
- Only schools/employers can apply for PTT. The Board will notify the employer of the outcome by email
- People employed under PTT must be additional to the regular staffing numbers that have been established to appropriately cater to students
- The teaching and learning program, duty of care, and responsibility for students must remain the full responsibility of the registered teacher on site
- PTT is not required for parents, volunteers, and visitors/guests who are not employed/engaged by the school in a teaching role
Schools/employers who intend to engage or employ a person under the direct supervision of a registered teacher must notify the Board in writing and provide the following information:
- Full name(s) (current and previous) and date of birth of the person
- Nature, duration, and purpose of the appointment
- Details of the registered teacher(s) who will supervise the person and the manner of supervision that will occur
- Evidence that the person holds current Registration to Work with Vulnerable People in Tasmania (working with children registration)
- Evidence that qualification checks have been undertaken
- Explanation of why a LAT has not been sought
The Board will notify the school/employer of the outcome by email.

Important things to note
- Persons eligible for teacher registration cannot be employed under LAT or PTT
- Employers should always check the Tasmanian Register of Teachers to ensure that each teacher holds current registration to teach in Tasmania:
- at the start of each year
- before a teacher commences employment
- Employers should use the ‘Watched Registration List’ in their TRB Online account to monitor the status of registered teachers in their school
- Teachers coming from interstate must hold current registration in Tasmania before commencing employment
- If a LAT holder becomes eligible for teacher registration, they must apply for registration immediately and their LAT must be expired by the Board when registration is granted
- If an employer becomes aware that a teacher is not registered, that teacher must be immediately removed from the school until an application for registration is approved
Employer notifications
By law, employers must notify the Board in these circumstances:
- Registered teachers and LAT holders engaging in unacceptable behaviour
An employer must notify the Board within 28 days if it considers any behaviour of a registered teacher or LAT holder to be unacceptable behaviour and dismisses the person because of that behaviour, or takes any other disciplinary action against the person. - Registered teachers and LAT holders retiring or resigning in certain circumstances
An employer must notify the Board within 28 days if a registered teacher or LAT holder resigns or retires in circumstances that may have allowed their employer to consider any of that person’s behaviour to be unacceptable behaviour.
The Teachers Registration Act 2000 defines “unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour that:
- does not satisfy a standard of behaviour generally expected of a teacher
- is otherwise disgraceful or improper
- shows the person is unfit to be a teacher.